61 research outputs found

    Kawalan undang-undang terhadap pembangunan di tanah tinggi

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    Bencana alam merupakan suatu kejadian yang amat ditakuti kerana ia seringkali berlaku dengan tiba-tiba dan tanpa diduga. Negara kita sering dikejutkan dengan berita-berita mengenai bencana alam seperti kejadian tanah runtuh, hakisan tanah dan banjir lumpur terutama sekali di kawasan-kawasan sensitif seperti tanah tinggi. Selain daripada faktor geologi dan jumlah curahan hujan, aktiviti pembangunan yang dijalankan di tanah tinggi sering membawa padah kepada alam sekitar. Artikel ini menghuraikan kepentingan tanah tinggi sebagai sumber alam, kesan-kesan pembangunan di tanah tinggi di samping undang-undang yang mengawal aktiviti pembangunan di kawasan terbabit. Perbincangan dan saranan turut dikemukakan di akhir kertas kerja

    Akta 597: Satu perkembangan hak asasi menusia di Malaysia

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    Artikel ini meninjau perkembangan hak asasi manusia di Malaysia dengan memberi fokus kepada Akta 597 iaitu Akta Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia Malaysia 1999. Tumpuan diberikan kepada penubuhan Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia Malaysia (SUHAKAM) dengan melihat peranannya daripada segi fungsi dan kuasa, skop, keanggotaan dan penyiasatan yang dikendalikan sehagaimana yang diperuntukkan di dalam Akta. Sedikit latar belakang dan perkembangan hak asasi manusia di Malaysia akan turut diperbincangkan. Di akhir artikel ini, beberapa cadangan dikemukakan bagi menjamin kebebasan asasi rakyat Malaysia benar-benar tercapai

    The international labor standard on the elimination of discrimination in employment: Response and prospect of Malaysia

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    Discrimination in employment has its wider social and economic consequences other than mere violating a basic human right. Discrimination involves treating people differently because of certain grounds such as race, color, or sex, which results in the impairment of equality of opportunity and treatment.As an essential part of promoting decent work, combating discrimination through the principle of non-discrimination has been established by the International Labor Organization (ILO) through the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work 1998.Considering elimination of discrimination in employment as a core labor standard, member states are expected to respect, promote and implement it to their national laws and policies.Being a member state, Malaysia has to position herself align with this international requirement. The author discusses the related convention together with Malaysia-s responses on the matter.At the closing stage, the prospect of Malaysia is presumed taking into account of the current positions and reports submitted to the ILO

    Pemecatan terancang: Apakah hak pekerja?

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    Undang-undang buruh memberi hak prerogatif kepada majikan.Pada masa yang sama, undang undang turut memelihara pekerja daripada tindakan tidak adil majikan.Walaupun pemecatan ialah hak prerogatif majikan, ia bukanlah mutlak.Pekerja yang dipecat berhak untuk membuat tuntutan terhadap majikan sekiranya pemecatan itu dirasakan tidak adil, tiada sebab dan tanpa alasan yang munasabah. Pemecatan boleh berpunca daripada berbagai sebab, antaranya salah laku, pelanggaran kontrak perkhianatan, pemecatan terancang dan sebagainya.Artikel ini membincangkan maksud dan situasi yang mewujudkan pemecatan terancang di samping menghuraikan hak-hak pekerja terhadap tuntutan pemecatan salah menurut seksyen 20 Akta Perhubungan Perindustrian 1967

    Persons with Disabilities Act 2008: the economic promises for people with disabilities?

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    People with Disabilities (PWD) remain neglected in many areas including employment. Their unemployment rate is significantly high when compared with those without Disabilities. Severe unemployment and poor wages ended majority of them live in poverty.PWD are suffering discrimination, social exclusion and prejudice. Realizing this fact and the needs for empowering their economy, life, wellbeing and social inclusiveness, PWD’s rights has been exclusively acknowledged through the legislation namely Persons with Disabilities Act 2008 (the Act). This paper focuses on the laws and policies of the government of Malaysia in relations to the economic right of PWD that is employment.Special attention is given to the provisions relating to the “access of employment” as elaborated through the provisions of the Act. Discussion is also imparted on the policies and initiatives of government in supporting the position of disabled persons in employment. In examining this right, a doctrinal research approach is utilized whereby descriptive and exploratory studies are undertaken in order to describe the legal provisions and policies, as well as to determine the problems.The authors conclude that some parts of the law need to be reviewed for the empowerment and progress of the PWD.Believing that substantive law alone is inadequate in ensuring economic right of PWD, proper actions and appropriate plans are necessary to further enhance PWD’s right and their surroundings

    Analisis garis panduan pengambilan pasir sungai dan pembangunan melibatkan sungai dalam memastikan pengurusan sungai yang sempurna

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    Sungai yang merupakan sumber air utama kepada kehidupan manusia haruslah diperlihara agar sumber air dapat terus digunakan oleh generasi akan datang. Pencemaran sungai boleh berlaku daripada pelbagai punca antaranya ialah akibat daripada aktiviti pengambilan pasir sungai dan juga pembangunan di kawasan sungai dan rizab sungai. Walaupun berbagai usaha dijalankan bagi memulihkan sungai yang tercemar, namun kualiti air sungai masih berada di tahap membimbangkan dengan jumlah sungai tercemar semakin bertambah. Kertas kerja ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peruntukan Garis Panduan Berkenaan Dengan Pengambilan Pasir Sungai dan juga Garis Panduan Pembangunan Di Kawasan Sungai Dan Rizab Sungai yang merupakan dua garis panduan penting untuk memelihara sungai. Skop perbincangan pula adalah mengkhusus kepada perkara-perkara yang perlu dipatuhi oleh pihak-pihak yang terlibat dengan pengambilan pasir dan juga pembangunan di kawasan sungai dan rizab sungai. Setiap peruntukan dalam garis panduan ini kemudiannya dibincangkan secara terperinci dan cadangan-cadangan penambahbaikan dikemukakan di akhir perbincangan. Kesimpulan menunjukkan garis panduan yang sedia ada mencukupi namun ianya perlu dibuat penambahbaikan dari masa ke semasa dan dikuatkuasakan

    Pencemaran sungai: Analsis peruntukan undang-undang di bawah Akta Kualiti Alam Sekeliling 1974

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    This paper analyses the legal provisions relating to river pollution, in particular the Environmental Quality Act 1974 which is the parent Act in relation to the management and conservation of the environment.The scope of discussion focuses on the pollution caused by industrial factories.By using the method of interpretation of the statute, the analysis deliberates on the relevant express provisions that are directly related to river pollution The paper concludes by submitting proposals of improvement

    Pentakrifan halal menurut syara' dan perundangan di Malaysia: Satu tinjauan

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    The concept of halal from the point of Sharia should be understood comprehensively. In the case of food products, halal (lawful/permissible) does not only mean edible products as prescribed by Islamic law but shall also include the meanings of 'good' or ‘thoyyib’ which is clean, hygienic, safe and of good quality. Food production shall include certain processes starting from the selection and preparation of ingredients, manufacturing processes, production itself, storage, transfer and distribution until being marketed to consumers.To ensure the halal aspect of a product, Malaysia provides a legal framework that covers both legal and institutional mechanisms by appointing authorities and special agencies for the purpose of implementation and enforcement of the law.The objective of this article is to study the meaning and concept of halalan thoyyiban and associate them with the interpretations of halal that contain in the legislative provisions together with its enforcement practices. Using a content analysis approach, the concept of halalan thoyyiban is elaborated by referring to the provisions of law that related to the aspect of halal for food products namely Trade Description Act 2011 and Food Act 1983.Interpretations and practices of halal is clearly in line with the real concept of halalan thoyyiba.Even some revisions to the legislation which fulfill the aspect of "thoyyiba" is considered as something very positive. It thus expressed the willingness and concern of the policy makers to jointly realize, implement and uphold "halalan thoyyiban" concept so as to meet the needs of Shari'ah

    Legal Reformation of Tax Court in Indonesia: Reforming Legal Culture, Institutional and Legislative Aspects

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    This research is motivated by the many weaknesses that exist in the Ppajak court in Indonesia. Therefore, this research needs to be carried out with the aim that the tax court in the future will be better, more certain in law, and just. The problem is the reason for reforming the tax court in Indonesia and the way to reform the law on the tax court in Indonesia. The research method used is a statutory, historical, and comparative approach. The result of his research is that the tax court in Indonesia must be reformed because it contains many weaknesses. Furthermore, the findings show that tax court reform must be carried out from the aspects of legislation, institutional and legal culture. Based on the statutory aspect, synchronization of laws must be carried out. Based on the institutional aspect, institutional improvement must be carried out. Based on the aspect of legal culture, this must be done by increasing the morale of the parties. The novelty of this research is that the tax dispute settlement model is found after the tax court becomes a special court within the state administrative court. In conclusion, the tax court in Indonesia still contains many weaknesses, so it must be reformed immediately

    Making a case for the domestication of CEDAW in Nigeria: empirically and conceptually justified

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    Despite the laudable provisions of the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women, (CEDAW), aiming to stop discrimination against women, the widely spread abortion right interpretation given to the provisions of reproductive right under Article 16(e) of CEDAW has made it impossible for Nigeria, a country with a restrictive abortion law to domesticate CEDAW.The authors here, have deviated from the general interpretation, and have consequently made a case for the domestication of CEDAW in Nigeria, using reproductive right, under a progressive interpretation, as the basis. Under a progressive interpretation of CEDAW’s reproductive rights, Primary Health Care (PHC) will serve as an embedded principle, whereby the right to health for women will be the determining factor. Also, the authors have strengthened their case by conducting a case study in eight (8) different states in Nigeria. This step, according to the authors, will serve as a basis for future policy development in the area of reproductive right in Nigeria